Left Join Linq example
So the Left Join is the same concept as a SQL Left Join. The left join will join all items from the left side and any on the right side where there is no match, it will be a null.
A basic example
In this example, we are going to perform a left join with two lists.
Method syntax
The syntax is very similar to the GroupJoin. The magical extra bit you will need is the DefaultIfEmpty()
. This is the part which figures out if there is no match, use the default, which will be generally null.
Live example: https://dotnetfiddle.net/ga7Tkb
var people = new[]
new { Name = "Vernon", Gender = "Male", CountryCode = "GB" },
new { Name = "Carrie", Gender = "Female", CountryCode = "CA" },
new { Name = "Joanna", Gender = "Female", CountryCode = "US" },
new { Name = "Thomas", Gender = "Male", CountryCode = "ES" },
new { Name = "James", Gender = "Male", CountryCode = "GB" },
new { Name = "Elly", Gender = "Female", CountryCode = "US" }
var countries = new[]
new {CountryName = "United Kingdom", Code = "GB"},
new {CountryName = "United States", Code = "US"},
new {CountryName = "Canada", Code = "CA"},
new {CountryName = "France", Code = "FR"},
new {CountryName = "Spain", Code = "ES"}
var q = countries.GroupJoin(people,
arg => arg.Code,
arg => arg.CountryCode,
(c, p) => new {Country = c, People = p})
.SelectMany(arg => arg.People.DefaultIfEmpty(),
(c, p) => new {Country = c, People = p});
// output
//United Kingdom - Vernon
//United Kingdom - James
//United States - Joanna
//United States - Elly
//Canada - Carrie
//France - NULL
//Spain - Thomas
Query syntax
Here, to perform a left join, we carry out the join, then we use the groupby query syntax, into g
. Then we specify from pg in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
. This is the crucial part where if there are no matches, just use null.
Live example: https://dotnetfiddle.net/wFqYTJ
var people = new[]
new { Name = "Vernon", Gender = "Male", CountryCode = "GB" },
new { Name = "Carrie", Gender = "Female", CountryCode = "CA" },
new { Name = "Joanna", Gender = "Female", CountryCode = "US" },
new { Name = "Thomas", Gender = "Male", CountryCode = "ES" },
new { Name = "James", Gender = "Male", CountryCode = "GB" },
new { Name = "Elly", Gender = "Female", CountryCode = "US" }
var countries = new[]
new {CountryName = "United Kingdom", Code = "GB"},
new {CountryName = "United States", Code = "US"},
new {CountryName = "Canada", Code = "CA"},
new {CountryName = "France", Code = "FR"},
new {CountryName = "Spain", Code = "ES"}
var q = from c in countries
join p in people
on c.Code equals p.CountryCode
into g
from pg in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {Country = c, People = pg};
// output
//United Kingdom - Vernon
//United Kingdom - James
//United States - Joanna
//United States - Elly
//Canada - Carrie
//France - NULL
//Spain - Thomas