
When you need to order in adescending order, you can use the OrderByDescending method.

Basic example

Here we will be ordering a set of cities alphabetically in descending order.

Method syntax

As you can see, using the OrderByDescending the cities are now ordered from Z to A.

Live example: https://dotnetfiddle.net/MQKGNF

var cities = new[] { "Barcelona", "London", "Paris", "New York", "Moscow", "Amsterdam", "Tokyo", "Florence" };

var orderedCities = cities.OrderByDescending(s => s);

// output: Tokyo, Paris, New York, Moscow, London, Florence, Barcelona, Amsterdam

Query syntax

Similar to the OrderBy query syntax, the descending keyword is needed to order by descending.

Live example: https://dotnetfiddle.net/lF3OKk

var cities = new[] { "Barcelona", "London", "Paris", "New York", "Moscow", "Amsterdam", "Tokyo", "Florence" };

var orderedCities = from city in cities
                    orderby city descending 
                    select city;

// output: Tokyo, Paris, New York, Moscow, London, Florence, Barcelona, Amsterdam